
Overwhelming Love

     As I reflect on the first 18 years of my life and specifically the last few months, I am overwhelmed by God's graciousness and love.  It causes me to wonder, what would I have done differently had I known that this was ahead of me?  I have college to look forward to in less than two weeks, but it's not just college, it's a whole world of possibilities right at my fingertips.
     Michigan is even better than I imagined.  Not only are there beautiful things all around that remind me of our Creator, but there are an endless number of things to do and experience.  All around us people are "West Michigan Nice", a term that describes the friendliness and generosity that can only truly be found in the Midwest.  Churches are as plentiful here as Starbucks in downtown Chicago.  It's exciting to live in a place with so much Jesus, yet so much opportunity for ministry.
     When I got here, finally, after months of unknown, back and forth, and so much stress, it felt like home.  Immediately I was flooded with peace knowing that I had found my place.  In a lot of ways I had struggled in Illinois through Junior High and High School, but finally I had made it.  Michigan and the safe suburban neighborhood that my family had moved to seemed like an oasis to my weary soul.
     Until I got here permanently in the month of August, I had not been in the same place or even the same state for more than a week over the past month and a half.  I had so many amazing experiences this summer and I enjoyed every single one, but by the time I got to Michigan for the final time I was ready to crash from exhaustion.  So I did, but that didn't last long.
     There were so many things to do: set up my new room, shop for college, do paperwork that comes with moving states, and of course exploring the area.  It was crazy the first time I went to Target and it was like 10 minutes away, rather than the usual 35 back in Illinois.  So many things are just within a 5 to 10 minute drive, so even though our neighborhood is nice and quiet there is an abundance of activity all around us.  I absolutely love it!
     While I love shopping and there are so many places to do it, probably my favorite thing to do is going to the beach.  There's nothing like the quiet serenity of the beach amidst the hustle and bustle of all the beachgoers.  The water stays constant, no matter how high the waves are or how strong the current is.  It reminds me of God and his constance amidst every change.
     I don't go to school until September 1st, which is a lot later than many universities.  It's nice because I have time to get settled before relocating again, but it gives me time to think about all the things I won't like about college.  I've been ready to go since my junior year and have really only been excited about it but now a few doubts and insecurities have come creeping in.  I'm asking God for peace and trusting in Him that He will work out all things for good.

     These past few months have been a testament to how much God has been working in me.  I cling to order and get easily frazzled without a schedule.  Moving hasn't exactly provided a schedule.  I've been on God's timing, which is so much different from my own.  But somehow, I have spent a summer of not knowing, back and forth, and stress and come through it more dependent on Jesus than ever before.  This is a lot of change for me.  I've never actually gone to school and now I'm moved away from where I lived for eighteen years of my life trying to get settled before going somewhere else; a school that is totally new where I will live with and meet new people.  It's a lot to wrap my head around, but I'm learning to trust God.
     He is so evident in my life right now I am often brought to tears.  When I think of how He shepherded me to this point, quietly bringing me peace and chasing after me with His love, I am undone.  My soul sings His praises and rejoices in His love and mercy.
     On another note, I have been able to spend some time with my roommates individually.  First, I spent the day in South Haven with Sydney (my roommate) and one of her friends.  We had lunch at a nice restaurant called Clementines and chatted for a while before going on a bike ride.  We biked by the beach and stopped to look out over the water.  South Haven Beach is actually along the coast of the real Lake Michigan, it isn't a peninsula or a small section of the lake.  The water was beautiful.  Along the shore it was an almost transparent jade color and then out farther in the lake it was deep blue.
     As we biked, we looked at all of the gorgeous homes that surround the lake and pointed out our favorites.  We actually didn't know it, but that day was the Blueberry Festival so the downtown had been extremely packed, but it was a fun atmosphere.  We went blueberry picking and topped the day off with ice cream that Sydney said may be the best I'd ever have in my life.  It was pretty good!

In the blueberry patch!  Sydney is on the right with me in the middle and her friend on the left

     More recently I went to an event called Kickstart at Cornerstone and my other roommate, Bri, came too.  We got to spend some time in our dorm planning the best layout and storage ideas.  The main event for the day was a kickball game, blue versus gold, the Cornerstone colors.  Bri and I were on the gold team.  While talking to one girl and we realized that she was our next door neighbor!  I met another girl who was coming to Cornerstone with her twin, but they weren't rooming together.  It was funny because the girl I was talking to had stick-straight blonde hair and her twin sister had curly red hair.  The only thing that they had in common was freckles, otherwise I never would have known they were twins!
     There were mini games every inning like at a a baseball game and I volunteered for one of them.  When it came time for my game I found out that I had to blow up a balloon in a stack of solo cups without using my hands and transport the solo cups one by one to another table so that I could stack them in a pyramid.  I never realized how hard it was to blow up a balloon without using my hands!  Needless to say, I didn't do too well, but at least the other person on my team didn't either.  Walking back to our team's dugout, I started talking to him (my teammate) and found out that he had lived in Guatemala for pretty much all his life as a missionary kid.  He said that he had two other friends from Guatemala that were also coming to CU and they would all be roommates!      
     Even though the gold team lost the kickball game, we all got to enjoy a Chick-fil-a lunch.  As the lunch was ending they did the raffles and to my surprise, I won a bookstore gift card! 

Bri and I representing the Gold team!
     Spending time with my roomies and meeting other freshmen gets me excited for this new year.  T minus 12 days... I'm coming for ya CU!  

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