
College: The First Three Weeks

     All I can say is wow.  These weeks have felt like a whirlwind.  So. much has happened in such a short amount of time it feels like we've been here so much longer than we really have.
     I love college.  Cornerstone is the perfect fit for me.  It's so refreshing to be in a place where so many people are of the same mind, seeking Christ together.  In general, people are treated equally here and, unlike high school, I'm really able to see the good qualities in everyone no matter how different from me they may be.  This is a place where I can thrive.
     There's so much to recap, so I'll just try and go over some of the highlights.

  • Arrival day: So many emotions on just one day.  It was the strangest thing to drive to campus with my parents that morning knowing that from that point on my life would be very different.
  • Getting my Terra Firma group: Terra Firma is like a first year transition program here at Cornerstone for Freshman.  You stay with this group throughout welcome week and continue to see them on a weekly and bi-weekly basis for a foundations class and service learning project.  I have made so many amazing friends from my Terra Firma group and I'm so thankful for them!
  • God's provision: I have seen God in so many ways while I've been here.  I see him in the people around me, in every chapel service, in the beauty of His creation; I see how He's provided me, answering every prayer rapidly, assuring me of my worth and His love.  God is amazing.
  • Living in GR: There is literally so much to do here.  Whether it's walking around downtown on a Friday night, making a Meijer run, going to Krsipy Kreme late at night, or literally anything else, it's always a blast!
  • Amazing people: I have seriously been blessed with the most amazing people around me.  I have made SO many friends here and they are ALL amazing!
  • Experiencing more cultures: A lot of my friends here are international students and I have loved getting to know them and even speaking in Spanish with some of them.  It's so cool to have people from so many different places all together.
  • POWDERPUFF: Just last night we had powderpuff against Cook Hall.  Pickitt (my hall) has won every year except one.  Each section is coached by their brother section.  We had a lot of practices with them and had so much fun. The actual game was so crazy!  So we had a rally before with Quincer (our brother hall) and then we started the game at 9:35.  Every section rotated in and out, so my section, P2E was one of the first to go and we got to play quite a bit.  The energy at the game was unlike anything else and all of the emotions were amped up as the game went on and on and on.  We ended up going into quadruple overtime!  My section had killer defense so we ended up playing every time that Pickitt was on defense in overtime.  It was insane and so much pressure because Pickitt had only lost once and powderpuff is one of the biggest events of the year.  When we finally won the game, everyone rushed onto the field screaming and cheering and some people even cried.  It was the most amazing feeling after all of that practice and stress in the game to finally have won and kept the Pickitt dynasty alive and well!

  • Movie Night

    Downtown Market

    Downtown GR


    Love Nicole!!

    Silvio helping us with the Golden Football

    Volleyball game


    P2E Powderpuff champs

    Game Day

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