
More Than Enough

Everything He does leaves me full of wonder
From the warmth of smiles to the painted skies 
He is here
He does not leave
He does not change

He cannot be described in words
Words cannot contain Him
He exceeds all of my shallow expectations
Instead existing in the most deep intensity

He is everlasting
My time on this earth feels eternal
But it is merely a speck in His eyes
Barely visible amidst the great expanse of forever

I am insignificant in comparison to His splendor
Yet He daily visits me
He consistently demonstrates his love for me

I see Him everywhere

I was created by His love
By His love He saved me
By His love He forgives me 
And He saves me again and again

  He is immeasurable
Unlike an equation, He cannot be subtracted from or added to

My heart will proclaim the praises of the LORD almighty
Day and night my soul will sing

In the night He is with me
He is my protecter
My shield against the thoughts that try to entangle me
The provision for all of my wants

When I am in Him, I want for nothing
He is enough
He is always enough
He is always more than enough
For me.

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